The new activity of e – kids is here to stay!
We learn how to bring nature to our veranda!
After getting to know animals via e-Coloring, it’s time to meet with plants via e-Nature!
Spring has come, and we all want to be in nature, to watch its rebirth, to admire the blooming flowers, enjoy the unique fresh herbs, fruits and vegetables!
But what if we brought nature in our own veranda, in our flower bed, in our garden?
The Educational Department of the NHM had this beautiful idea and immediately proceeded to implement it, so to keep company to all of you who wish to start their own little garden – providing knowledge and entertainment!
Get ready to become young gardeners of your own plants! Observe the amazing course of their growth, which starts from the initial stage of sowing! Very soon, you will find out how exciting it is to watch a plant grow, thanks to your own care, through the instructions provided!
2. Fresh herbs
By clicking on each category, you can see the plant we present each time. Follow us on this new exciting and colorful journey that is just to begin.A world of aromas and flavors, but also dirty hands full of soil (not to worry, you can protect your hands with special gardening gloves!)
You will be thrilled when your efforts bear fruit, when you’ ll admire your own flowers, but also when you’ ll taste your fruits and vegetables (for example, you will definitely remember the taste of your first pizza with cherry tomatoes and basil from your own pots that you will prepare together with your mom!)
ΚFirst, you need to visit a flea market or a plant nursery with your parents, to buy the seeds that will be suggested through this page and start sowing.With these first simple steps, you will learn the basics of gardening, such as:
- the right soil for each plant
- its needs for water and sun exposure.
Remember to spend 15 or 20 minutes, once or twice a week, for plant care, weeding, watering, recording your observations and learning to clean and arrange garden tools in a specific place.
What you need is:
- Shovel,
- Small rake,
- Small shovel – carver,
- Scissors for plants,
- Watering can,
- Pots (or planter, or flower bed, whatever can be found in your home)
- A good enriched soil and seeds, which you will get from a plant nursery
- A notebook
And, you will also need small ice cream sticks! So, if you eat ice cream, keep the sticks, otherwise you can find them in craft stores.Why? For each plant that we present in e-nature, you will have a small label of the plant, which you will glue to an ice cream stick and then, you will put it in the pot, to know which plant you have sown.
The basic principle is that we do not sow all plants together, there are Autumn plants and Spring plants!
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