Flowering plants Page

Flowering plants

10. Rose

Rose is probably the most well-known flowering plant found in gardens, parks and balconies and is rightly considered the queen of flowers, a symbol of love beauty all over the world.

Roses have been known since ancient times, and they still impress with their beautiful colors and unique fragrance.

They can be planted all year round, with the color of their flowers being proportional to the variety of each rose. They are very resistant to cold.

The stem of the plant is armed with sharp prickles, as do the leaves on their tips.

Plant label: Common name Rose

Type (herb, shrub, tree): shrub

Maximum height: It depends on the variety

Light preferences (shade, sun): Sun

Water requirements (little, a lot): A lot, so that the soil doesn’t dry

Soil preferences (type): Rich in nutrients

Flower color: Dark red, red, orange, pink, or white

Sowed in (month of the year): All year round

Cold tolerance (low- high): High

Heat tolerance (low – high): Quite enough

Rose’s secrets:

Through time, poets in the whole world have written about roses, while many painters have included them in a huge variety of compositions.

“The Little Prince” by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry is a book adored by children and adults like no other. It has been translated into 500 languages! This unique fairy tale makes observations about life, adults, and human nature – it explains the power of love between a small boy and a rose.

“Beauty and the Beast” is also a very old but well-known fairy tale, talking about the importance of a rose, which still enchants children, 260 years after the time it was written!

Apart from its beauty and fragrance, roses give us an excellent quality of essential oil, which we get from the petals of the flower, and is used in cosmetics. Rose petals or flower buds are sometimes used to flavor ordinary tea, or combined with other herbs to make herbal teas.

Since ancient times, one can see that roses were used for their many medicinal properties. People used them for headaches and for healing eyes, ears, gums, and bleeding.

There is evidence for medicinal use of rose in ancient Greece as early as 1600 BC. but also in ancient Egypt, China and India. However, the homeland of the rose is Persia.

Rose has been a wellness favorite for centuries. It promotes healthy skin, while soothing irritations and acting as a natural skin cleanser. Rose is rich in vitamin C and significantly treats wrinkles.

…And the Rose Label!

Click on the photo below, adjust the size, print, cut with scissors the border and glue that paper label on an ice cream stick! Then put the stick in the soil of the Rose you planted! This way you will know which plant it is, especially when you sow and grow several plants at the same time…!


9. Anemone

It is a well-known flower, cultivated in gardens and parks

It is abundant in forests and meadows

Its name, anemone, means “daughter of the wind” – it comes from the Greek word anemos (wind)

The Ancient Greeks believed that these plants bloomed only when the wind blew

There are more than 60 different species of anemone

Plant label: common name Anemone

Type (herb, bush, tree)


Maximum height

Usually up to 15 cm

Light preferences (shade, sun)


Water requirements (little, a lot)

A lot, so that the soil doesn’t dry

Soil preferences (type)

Rich in nutrients

Flower colour

Red, dark purple, light purple, pink, or white

Sowed in (month of the year)

September to November

Cold tolerance (low- high)

Quite enough

Heat tolerance (low – high)

Quite enough

Anemone’s secrets:

In Eastern cultures anemone is a symbol of illness or bad luck, while in Western cultures it is a symbol of protection from negative thoughts and actions

The ability of the flower to close at night and open in the morning means the prediction of something that will happen soon (like rain)

Herbalists in the Middle Ages used it as a medicine for headaches

Today it is rarely used due to its toxic ingredients

The name of the flower is associated with an ancient myth describing the love of Adonis and Aphrodite that didn’t last long. When the wind blows it makes its buds bloom and after another blast its petals scatter far away…


Click on the photo below, adjust the size, print, cut with scissors the border and glue that paper label on an ice cream stick!

Then put the stick in the soil of the Anemone you planted!

This way you will know which plant it is, especially when you sow and grow several plants at the same time…!



8. Snap Dragon

One of the most beautiful and colorful ornamental plants, a typical Mediterranean plant with lush vegetation!

It can be seen in many different colors and it beautifies our gardens, balconies and pots!

It blooms for a long time and grows almost everywhere, without no requirements!

Plant label: common name Snap dragon
Type (herb, bush, tree): Herb
Maximum height: 15 – 120 cm
Light preferences (shade, sun): Sun
Water requirements (little, a lot): A lot, during summer, every day
Soil preferences (type): Plump and rich in nutrients
Flower color: white, yellow, purple, orange, red and more…
Sowed in (month of the year): February to March
Cold tolerance (low- high): High, even at -8ο C
Heat tolerance (low – high): Quite


• Its name comes from its flowers, that open and close when pressed from the sides

When in a place with strong winds, it needs support because its stem is very soft and can break easily

Its most common enemies are aphids and brown spots on its leaves! To avoid brown spots, one has to water it in the morning, carefully, not to over-water!

• Older common names for snap dragon include: dragon’s flower, lion’s mouth, and toad’s mouth!


Click on the photo below, adjust the size, print, Cut the border with scissors and glue this paper tag on an ice cream stick! Place the stick in the soil of the Snapdragon you just planted!

This way you will know which plant it is, especially when you grow many plants at the same time!


7. Petunia

One of the most popular and beautiful ornamental plants with trumpet-shaped flowers and a huge variety of colors!

It is the easiest way to fill our gardens and balconies with color, since it blooms quickly and its flowering lasts from spring to autumn!

Plant label: common name Petunia
Type (herb, bush, tree): herb
Maximum height: 20 to 60 cm
Light preferences (shade, sun): Sun
Water requirements (little, a lot): A little (2 times a week/in hot weather every 2 days)
Soil preferences (type): Rich in nutrients
Flower colour: white, yellow, red, orange, pink, purple and black
Sowed in (month of the year): Late February to April
Cold tolerance (low- high): Low, up to 3ο C
Heat tolerance (low – high): Quite enough, up to 35ο


• It is a “cousin” of potato, tomato, pepper, eggplant and tobacco and is native to South America!

Can be combined with other flowers such as pansy, violet and dogwood

• In order for the flowers to be full and its colors to be more vivid, it must always be exposed to the sun.

• We smell its aroma more strongly at dusk and more at night, while at noon it hardly smells at all!


Click on the photo below, adjust the size, print, cut with scissors the border and glue that paper label on an ice cream stick! Then put the stick in the soil of the Petunia you planted!

This way you will know which plant it is, especially when you sow and grow several plants at the same time…!


This is a beautiful flower, with many different colors like the rainbow’s. That’s why it is called Iris, (name of the ancient Greek goddess of the rainbow!)

It is planted in autumn and in the spring time it gives us enchanting colorful flowers that beautify our balcony and our garden!

Its beauty made of Iris a favorite painting subject of famous artists, such as Leonardo da Vinci, Vincent van Gogh and Claude Monet.

  • Iris symbolizes faith, hope, purity, and communication – each color symbolizing something different
  • It belongs to the same family together with crocus, freesia etc.
  • It is used as an aromatic and medicinal herb
  • During the Middle Ages, the iris flower was associated with the French monarchy
  • The Botanical Department of the Goulandris Natural History Museum has published a species of Iris new to science, which was named Iris hellenica

Click on the photo below, adjust the size, print, cut with scissors the border and stick that paper tag on an ice cream stick!

Then place the stick into the soil of the iris you planted! This way you will know which plant it is since you are growing multiple plants at the same time…!


When one hears the word tulip, Holland definitely comes to mind! This flower has become the symbol of the Netherlands, even though it comes from Central Asia!

It is one of the most beautiful and impressive flowers, that we plant in autumn and forms meadows full of beautiful colors!

Plant label: common name Tulip
Type (herb, bush, tree): Herb
Maximum height: Up to 70 cm
Light preferences (shade, sun): Sun
Water requirements (little, a lot): Around one time a week
Soil preferences (type): Rich in nutrients
Flower colour: Red and yellow, less often pink and white
Sowed in (month of the year): October and November
Cold tolerance (low- high): High
Heat tolerance (low – high): Low

Tulip’s secrets:

· In Byzantine times, the tulip was the symbol of Constantinople.

· Tulip symbolizes eternal love

· On Chios island there are 4 types of tulips that we call “lilies”

· Plant the tulip bulb, at a depth of 8 to 10 cm, with the nose upwards

· It is said that the tulip got its name from its resemblance to the turban, a type of hat worn by many people in the Middle East. The turban is also referred to as “toliban” and in Latin this changed to “tulipa”.

Click on the photo below, adjust the size, print, cut with scissors the border and stick that paper tag on an ice cream stick!

Then place the stick into the soil of the tulip you planted! This way you will know which plant it is since you are growing multiple plants at the same time…!


Everyone agrees that it is one of the most beautiful plants of autumn, with an intense, intoxicating aroma and colorful flowers!

Mikis Theodorakis has also mentioned the hyacinth, in his well-known song “Boat on the shore” with the lyrics saying:
“Boat on shore, boat on shore,
pot with hyacinth and basil”.

We find it in flower beds, in large gardens, as well as in pots on balconies.

Plant label: common name Hyacinth
Type (herb, bush, tree): herb
Maximum height: Up to 30 cm
Light preferences (shade, sun): Sun
Water requirements (little, a lot): A lot, so that the soil doesn’t dry
Soil preferences (type): Rich in nutrients
Flower colour: Purple, blue, yellow, pink, red or white
Sowed in (month of the year): October
Cold tolerance (low- high): Quite enough
Heat tolerance (low – high): Quite enough

Hyacinth’s secrets:

· In ancient times it was considered a favorite flower of the goddess Aphrodite and symbolized love and beauty

· It has a very strong aroma and a lot of pollen – this is the reason it gathers many bees around it

· Possibly toxic to cats, dogs, and humans

· It can also bloom in water! To achieve this, we take a special jar with a narrow neck and put the hyacinth bulb in the upper part, in such a way that it is at a breathing distance from the water in the jar.


Click on the photo below, adjust the size, print, cut with scissors the border and stick that paper tag on an ice cream stick!

Then place the stick into the soil of the hyacinth you planted! This way you will know which plant it is since you are growing multiple plants at the same time…!



“A little rose-flowered bird, tied with a thread,
with his curled wings in the sun it flies.”

This is a poem by a well-known Greek poet, Yannis Ritsos about the cyclamen.

Cyclamen is the flower that informs us autumn is coming and one of the most beautiful wild flowers of Greece. It blooms with the first rains, creating a spectacular colorful carpet of flowers.

Its flower looks like a small butterfly or bird, ready to fly, while its leaves are heart-shaped and come in various shades of green.

Plant label: common name Cyclamen

Type (herb, bush, tree): Herb

Maximum height: 8-35 cm

Light preferences (shade, sun): Shade

Water requirements (little, a lot): A little, about 2 times a week, when the soil dries

Soil preferences (type): Plump and rich in nutrients

Flower colour: Purple, pink, fuchsia, red or white

Sowed in (month of the year): September

Cold tolerance (low- high): Medium

Heat tolerance (low – high): Low, very sensitive in high temperatures


· After the end of flowering time, when its leaves turn yellow, we say cyclamen “sleeps”, i.e. falls into dormancy, to rest. It will wake up when we water it again in early September.

. It symbolizes fertility, tranquility and honesty.

· Because of its long flowering period, cyclamen has also been associated with the concept of deep and everlasting love and devotion

. Scientific studies report that cyclamen bulbs contain a substance capable of effectively treating the symptoms of sinusitis

Click on the photo below, adjust the size, print, cut with scissors the border and stick that paper tag on an ice cream stick! Then place the stick into the soil of the cyclamen you planted! This way you will know which plant it is since you are growing multiple plants at the same time…!


A very beautiful, flower with an unusual appearance – it resembles a cob, before its flowers bloom- and a strong fragrance

It belongs to the Iris family and has bulbs

Plant label: common name Freesia
Type (herb, bush, tree): herb
Maximum height: 10 – 70 cm
Light preferences (shade, sun): Sun
Water requirements (little, a lot): A lot, 1-2 times a week
Soil preferences (type): Rich in nutrients
Flower colour: White, yellow, orange, blue, maroon, red, purple, pink or a combination thereof
Sowed in (month of the year): October and November
Cold tolerance (low- high): Quite enough
Heat tolerance (low – high): Quite enough

Freesia’s secrets:

· It symbolizes unconditional love, innocence, friendship and trust

· It was discovered in southern Africa, where it was called lily of the valley


Click on the photo below, adjust the size, print, cut with scissors the border and stick that paper tag on an ice cream stick!

Then place the stick into the soil of the freesia you planted! This way you will know which plant it is since you are growing multiple plants at the same time…!


It is one of the most beloved, popular, blooming and beautiful winter flowers, with characteristic black balls in the center of its flower.

Panses form amazing “carpets” in large pots, flower beds, and gardens.

The Greek national poet Kostis Palamas inspired by the beauty of flowers has mentioned pansy, in the lines of his poem “In the garden” where he writes:
“In the garden the roses were laughing at me, the violets out of their veils sent me their freshness greetings. And I passed.
The odorless meditative pansies stared at me, unmoving. And I stood by them”

Plant label: common name Pansy
Type (herb, bush, tree): herb
Maximum height: Around 20 cm
Light preferences (shade, sun): Sun
Water requirements (little, a lot): A little, 2 – 3 times a week
Soil preferences (type): Rich in nutrients
Flower colour: Yellow, orange, red, burgundy, purple, white, blue or colorful combinations
Sowed in (month of the year): October
Cold tolerance (low- high): Very high, even in -15°C
Heat tolerance (low – high): Quite

Pansy’s secrets:

· It got its name from the French “Penser”, which means I think. This happened, because in the past, when a man wanted to show a woman he was thinking of her, he offered her pansies.

· Its colorful flowers are used by famous chefs to decorate dishes!

· It is the official symbol of Osaka in Japan.

· It is also widely used in Phytotherapy, as one of its active ingredients is the main ingredient in today’s aspirin, helping us overcome headaches and dizziness.


Click on the photo below, adjust the size, print, cut with scissors the border and stick that paper tag on an ice cream stick!

Then place the stick into the soil of the pansy you planted! This way you will know which plant it is since you are growing multiple plants at the same time…!



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