Fresh herbs
One of the most popular herbs of the Mediterranean cuisine, which flavors our food and gives them a special aroma in a minute!
It is used in salads, soups, pies, and various sauces.
It is rich in nutrients and is very beneficial for our health.
Plant label: common name Dill
Type (herb, bush, tree): herb
Maximum height: 40 to 60 cm
Light preferences: (shade, sun) Sun
Water requirements (little, a lot): Quite often, in small quantities, in wintertime only when the soil is dry
Soil preferences (type): Rich in nutrients
Flower color: Yellow and orange
Sowed in (month of the year): March to June
Cold tolerance (low- high): Quite low, but not below 0˚ C
Heat tolerance (low – high): Quite high, not higher than 35ο C
• Its characteristic smell is reminiscent of aniseed.
• It belongs to the same family as other herbs, such as fennel, cumin, anise, etc.
• Ancient Greeks made perfume from its flowers and put it in various wines that named them “dill wines”.
• Also, ancient Greeks crowned the winners with flowering branches of dill and athletes anointed their bodies with the essential oil of the dill fruit to relax their muscles!
• It is used for colic pains that babies have, as a diuretic and enhances breathing.
….and the dill’s label!
Click the photo below, adjust its size, print it, use your scissors in order to cut the outline and stick this label on a wooden stick from an ice cream! Then put the stick in the soil next to the dill you planted! This way, you will know which plant it is, especially when you plant and grow different plants at the same time!
“I’ll be the basil at the window!”, says a Greek song!
Basil is the most favorite plant pictured on every Greek postcard! You have seen it on balconies, all over Greece. And yet, it is said that basil travelled from India to Greece, at the time of Alexander the Great! Since then, it has become the most famous plant in our country and it smells great!
Plant label: common name Basil
Type (herb, bush, tree): herb
Maximum height: 30 to 50 cm
Light preferences (shade, sun): Sun
Water requirements (little, a lot): A lot, so that the soil doesn’t dry
Soil preferences (type): Rich in nutrients
Flower color: White, light purple
Sowed in (month of the year): April – May
Cold tolerance (low- high): Low
Heat tolerance (low – high): Quite enough
The basil’s secrets…
· Basil repels mosquitoes
· Basil tea helps digestion and fights anxiety
….and the basil’s label!
Click the photo below, adjust its size, print it, use your scissors in order to cut the outline and stick this label on a wooden stick from an ice cream! Then put the stick in the soil next to the basil you planted! This way, you will know which plant it is, especially when you plant and grow different plants at the same time!
One of the most useful and popular aromatic plants one can grow in a mediterranean garden!
In addition to its beauty as a decorative plant, it is widely used in cooking, as it adds a unique taste in our food, since it is perfectly combined with lemon marinated meats and baked potatoes. It also flavors fish, vegetables, soups, even several sauces!
It is also a “miracle” herb, with many medical uses due to its oil!
Plant label: common name Rosemary
Type (herb, bush, tree): Bush
Maximum height: 1 – 2 meters
Light preferences (shade, sun): Sun
Water requirements (little, a lot): Little, once or twice a week
Soil preferences (type): General purpose plant soil or a special one for aromatic plants
Flower color: Purple, white, pink, or blue
Sowed in (month of the year): February – early March
Cold tolerance (low- high): High
Heat tolerance (low – high): High
The Rosemary secrets:
· It belongs to the same family as peppermint.
· Its Latin name Rosmarinus means rose of the sea!
· Helps memory, heart, and eyes to function properly!
· Its oil is used for purposes of fragrant bodily perfumes or to emit an aroma into a room
· It is also used as a cosmetic for the face and hair, as it has beneficial properties for the skin and for hair growth!
…and the rosemary’s label!
Click the photo below, adjust its size, print it, use your scissors in order to cut the outline and stick this label on a wooden stick from an ice cream! Then put the stick in the soil next to the rosemary you planted! This way, you will know which plant it is, especially when you plant and grow different plants at the same time!
Garlic is present in the folklore of many cultures. European folk beliefs considered garlic a powerful ward against evil eye, demons and vampires. To ward off vampires, garlic could be worn, hung in windows, or rubbed on chimneys and keyholes.
Apart from… folklore, garlic is used as food flavoring, as it has a very nice spicy taste, and for medicinal purposes, as it is very good for our health! It can be eaten raw, grilled, boiled, in sauces, in salads, in pickles, but also in our favorite Greek… tzatziki (sauce with yoghurt, put in traditional dish of
Its close relatives include onions, and shallots.
Plant label: common name Garlic
Type (herbs, bushes, trees): Herbs
Maximum height: 30 – 50 cm
Light preferences (shade, sun): Sun
Water requirements (little, a lot): Some, 2 times per week
Soil preferences (type): Plump and rich in nutrients
Flower colour: White, pink and purple
Sowed in (month of the year): October, November, December
Cold tolerance (low- high): High, even in frost
Heat tolerance (low – high): Low, it cannot grow in temperature higher than 25˚ C
• The white part of the garlic we eat is its bulb, which is found inside the soil!
• It is very good for our health, because it reduces blood pressure, protects
against colds, ameliorates the heart function and also acts as an antiseptic
Click on the photo below, adjust the size, print, Cut the border with scissors and Glue this paper tag on an ice cream stick!Place the stick in the soil of the garlic you just planted!
They say that oregano got its name from the Greek words mountain (oros) and splendor, (ganos). It is considered as the brilliant plant of the mountain.
Oregano is the best-known herb of Greece since ancient times, with a characteristic aroma and taste.
Greek oregano is considered one of the best in the world!
We rub its aromatic leaves – usually dried – and use them in many Greek dishes, mainly in grilled meats and in the well-known “village salad” (horiatiki)!
Plant label: common name Oregano
Type (herb, bush, tree): herb
Maximum height: Up to 70 cm
Light preferences (shade, sun): Sun
Water requirements (little, a lot): A little, it is drought tolerant
Soil preferences (type): Rich in nutrients
Flower color: White, light purple
Sowed in (month of the year): March – April
Cold tolerance (low- high): Cold resistant
Heat tolerance (low – high): Heat resistant
The Oregano secrets…
It can be cultivated even in stony soils – we find it everywhere in Greek nature.
It is a relative of basil, rosemary, thyme, dittany, mint and sage.
In ancient Greece oregano was used as a decoction against swelling.
Its essential oil can help with toothache.
It has many more healing properties: in addition to swelling, it helps with coughs, rheumatism, and high blood pressure.
Click on the photo below, adjust the size, print, Cut the border with scissors and Glue this paper tag on an ice cream stick!Place the stick in the soil of the lavender you just planted! Place the stick in the soil of the oregano you just planted! This way you will know which plant it is, especially later when you will grow many plants at the same time!
Parsley is a herb that matches…with almost every dish, that’s why we call someone “parsley”, when one can be found and adapted in any environment!
Parsley is one of the most favorite herbs. We grow it in our garden, or our balcony. Its aromatic leaves are used in salads, pies and many more recipes, giving a special taste and aroma to a great number of dishes!
Plant label: common name Parsley
Type (herb, bush, tree) Herb
Maximum height 40 cm
Light preferences (shade, sun) Sun (shade in the summer)
Water requirements (little, a lot) Frequently and in small amounts
Soil preferences (type) Enriched
Flower colour Greenish- yellow
Sowed in (month of the year) January until September
Cold tolerance (low- high) High, resistant to frost
Heat tolerance (low – high) High, as long as the soil is moist
. In ancient Greece it was called petroselino (stone celery)
· It is very high in iron (more than any other green vegetable) and contains vitamins A, B, C (3 times more vitamin C than an orange).
. It helps in the digestion process.
. The ancient Greeks used it as an aromatic herb but also as a medicine for various diseases, while the Roman gladiators always used it in their juices to gain strength.
Click on the photo below, adjust the size, print, Cut the border with scissors and Glue this paper tag on an ice cream stick!Place the stick in the soil of the lavender you just planted! Place the stick in the soil of the parsley you just planted!
This way you will know which plant it is, especially later when you will grow many plants at the same time!
Lavender – Lavandula
One of the most famous and favorite aromatic plants, is lavender.
In Greece, it can be found in every garden and every veranda! Its purple flowers beautify our home, protect our clothes inside closets and their scent calms and relaxes us!
Lavender’s secrets
· Lavender expels mosquitoes and moths from our closets
· Lavender essential oil helps fight stress & insomnia
. Lavender drink helps with headaches, stomach aches and insomnia and stress.
. Lavender oil helps with redness and burns.
Click on the photo below, adjust the size, print, Cut the border with scissors and Glue this paper tag on an ice cream stick!Place the stick in the soil of the lavender you just planted!
Place the stick in the soil of the lavender you just planted!
This way you will know which plant it is, especially later when you will grow many plants at the same time!
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