Promoting the ideals of volunteerism, Goulandris Museum of Natural History gives the opportunity for volunteer work to all those who might contribute with their knowledge, their experience and their abilities in achieving the mission and the goals of the Museum.
Invitation to whom wishes to work as volunteer:
“You will be working at a place that is unique in Greece, devoted to research and education with its founding goal being the promotion of natural sciences and distribution of knowledge contributing to the formulation of a new life code, a new society.
If you believe that you may contribute with your knowledge, experience and abilities to the achievement of the Museum’s goals, let us meet you and together we shall find a way of utilizing your talents.
The minimum occupation time is once a week from 9 a.m to2 p.m, mainly on weekdays but also on weekends.
Indicatively, you may work:
- At the reception of school groups, both in the Museum and in GAIA Centre
- At the Secretariat
- At the shops
- At the library
- At children’s workshops of creative activities
- At events for children and adults, organized by the Association of Museum’s Friends.
If you wish to provide volunteer services to GNHM, you are requested to contact the tel. office at: +30 210 8015870 and leave your details so that we contact you back”.
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